Shoegaze Indie Rock Trio from New York & Florida releases their first video for their single off their new self-titled album.

The Self-Titled, “Blur Beside You”

Featuring the 3 members, Jim Wells and Joseph Butera from South Florida, joined by Joseph Beaty from New York – all founding members of the band, “MindLikeWater” releases their first video for the track, “Nothing Feels Real”.

The vibe on this record was heavily inspired by indie shoegaze greats: My Bloody Valentine, Hum, Swervedriver, and The Cure to create some amazing sonic textures that capture the haze and blur of modern times.

Check out: “Nothing Feels Real”

When the best of two worlds collide:

This is an amazing example of how many modern records are made. Blur Beside You began the recording process in the home studio. Quickly the trio knew the magnitude of what they had created then took the project to Power Station Recording Studios in Pompano Beach to add the final icing to the cake. “It became apparent that we needed to explore the analog realm to bring that warm otherworld-feel to the listening experience.”

Joseph Butera visited Power Station Studios to utilize their analog tools to that their project to the pro level it so deserved. Part of the process was to run the project through the “Legendary Masterpiece”, an analog mastering system developed in part by Rupert Neve – The Godfather of professional analog. In addition to that, they also imprinted the warmth of a Studer A80 tape machine paired with other vintage analog gear.

“The difference was astounding and we hope you will feel it in your bones like we do”

Quote from the bands Bandcamp website.

The 8-song EP is online with songs available for download at: https://blurbesideyou.bandcamp.com/album/blur-beside-you (The full record is available April 1, 2022)

Blur Beside You Is:
Joseph Beaty – Vocals, Loops, Production FX.
Jim Wells – Guitars, Sonic Textures.
Joseph Butera III – Drums & Bass

Recorded by Joseph Beaty, Jim Wells, and Joseph Butera in their home studios.
Mixed by Joseph Butera III
Mastered by Joseph Butera III at Power Station Studios.

Be sure to check out “Blur Beside You” featured on our “clients” section of our homepage: https://powerstationstudios.com

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